1700 EDGEWATER LLC Bankruptcy Filing

Summary of 1700 EDGEWATER LLC Filing Information

On September 30, 2024, 1700 EDGEWATER LLC filed for bankruptcy under case number 24-62194 in the Oregon court. This marks a significant development for the corporation, which has chosen to seek reorganization or liquidation under Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code. The company's debtor address is listed as 925 Commercial Street SE, Suite 245, Salem OR. As the case proceeds, Judge David W Hercher will oversee the process, with bankruptcy information and updates to be made available through public filings. With this filing, stakeholders can now access official records of 1700 EDGEWATER LLC's financial situation and proceedings, providing a clearer understanding of its operations and plans moving forward.

1700 EDGEWATER LLC Asset and Liability Information

The BankruptcyObserver database has not yet been updated with information about the debtor's assets, liabilities, nature of business, industry, or possibility for an unsecured creditor distribution. This data is typically entered on the morning of the next business day after the chapter 7 or chapter 11 business files bankruptcy.

Unsecured Creditor Treatment in 1700 EDGEWATER LLC Bankruptcy:

1700 EDGEWATER LLC indicated on its bankruptcy petition that it expects there will be sufficient assets in the estate to make a payment to the unsecured creditors.

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1700 EDGEWATER LLC Bankruptcy Docket Header


U.S. Bankruptcy Court
District of Oregon (Eugene)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 24-62194-dwh11

Assigned to: Bankruptcy Judge David W Hercher
Chapter 11

Date filed:  09/30/2024

1700 Edgewater LLC
925 Commercial Street SE, Suite 245
Salem, OR 97302
Tax ID / EIN: 87-4670986

Elevate Law Group
6000 SW Meadows Road
Ste 450
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Fax : 503-417-0501
 nick @ elevatelawpdx.com

U.S. Trustee
US Trustee, Eugene
405 E 8th Ave #1100
Eugene, OR 97401-2706
(541) 465-6330

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