Summary of 1ST PLACE HOSPITALITY, LLC Filing Information
1ST PLACE HOSPITALITY, LLC filed for bankruptcy on September 30, 2024, under case number 24-21228 at the Georgia Northern court. This marks a significant development for the corporation, which has been operating under financial strain. As a publicly disclosed piece of bankruptcy information, this filing signals that 1ST PLACE HOSPITALITY, LLC is seeking protection from its creditors in order to restructure its debts and ensure its future operations. Located at 195 Antler Trail, Alpharetta GA, the company will be working closely with the court to navigate this challenging period. With this bankruptcy information now publicly available, stakeholders can begin to understand the steps being taken by the corporation to address its financial difficulties and explore potential solutions moving forward.
1ST PLACE HOSPITALITY, LLC Asset and Liability Information
The BankruptcyObserver database has not yet been updated with information about the debtor's assets, liabilities, nature of business, industry, or possibility for an unsecured creditor distribution. This data is typically entered on the morning of the next business day after the chapter 7 or chapter 11 business files bankruptcy.
Unsecured Creditor Treatment in 1ST PLACE HOSPITALITY, LLC Bankruptcy:
1ST PLACE HOSPITALITY, LLC indicated on its bankruptcy petition that it expects there will be sufficient assets in the estate to make a payment to the unsecured creditors.
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1ST PLACE HOSPITALITY, LLC Bankruptcy Docket Header
Assigned to: Chapter 11 Voluntary Asset |
Debtor 1st Place Hospitality, LLC 195 Antler Trail Alpharetta, GA 30005 FORSYTH-GA Tax ID / EIN: 87-1469093 |
rep. by | William A. Rountree
Rountree Leitman Klein & Geer, LLC Century Plaza I, Suite 350 2987 Clairmont Road Atlanta, GA 30329 404-584-1238 Email: wrountree @ rlkglaw.com |