2004 LAGOON LLC Bankruptcy Filing
2004 LAGOON LLC Bankruptcy Date
2004 LAGOON LLC filed a 11 chapter bankruptcy in the Northern District of California bankruptcy court on September 04, 2024. This is a voluntary filing; it was assigned the bankruptcy case number #24-41357.
2004 LAGOON LLC Bankruptcy Information
The bankruptcy petition for 2004 LAGOON LLC showed assets in the range of $1MM - $10MM with liabilities in the range of $1MM - $10MM. 2004 LAGOON LLC reports that the number of creditors is in the range of 1-49.
The debtor indicated their nature of business as 'None of the Above'. The options for nature of business in bankruptcies are rather limited and archaic. They include 'Health Care Business', 'Single Asset Real Estate', 'Railroad', 'Stockbroker', 'Commodity Broker', 'Clearing Bank', or 'None of the Above'.
Unsecured Creditor Treatment in 2004 LAGOON LLC Bankruptcy:
2004 LAGOON LLC indicated on its bankruptcy petition that it expects there will be sufficient assets in the estate to make a payment to the unsecured creditors.
2004 LAGOON LLC Bankruptcy Docket Header
SmBus, PlnDue, DsclsDue |
California Northern Bankruptcy Court (Oakland)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 24-41357
Assigned to: Chapter 11 Voluntary No asset |
Debtor 2004 LAGOON LLC 2004 W. LAGOON RD PLEASANTON, CA 94566 ALAMEDA-CA (510) 482-5500 Tax ID / EIN: 87-3400061 |
rep. by |
Leeds Disston
Casalina & Disston 300 Frank Ogawa Plaza Suite 205 Oakland, CA 94612 510-835-8110 Email: casdiss @ yahoo.com |
U.S. Trustee Office of the U.S. Trustee/Oak Office of the United States Trustee Phillip J. Burton Federal Building 450 Golden Gate Ave. 5th Fl., #05-0153 San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 252-2080 |