YPI ARLINGTON, LLC Bankruptcy Filing
Summary of YPI ARLINGTON, LLC Filing Information
YPI ARLINGTON, LLC filed for bankruptcy on September 30, 2024, with case number 24-14454. The Illinois Northern District Court is handling the proceedings. As a corporation, YPI ARLINGTON, LLC has sought protection under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code. The company's address at the time of filing was reported as 21900 Burbank Blvd, Suite 200, in Woodland Hills, California. This information marks the first public disclosure of bankruptcy details for the organization. According to court records, Judge Jacqueline P. Cox has been assigned to oversee the case. As the bankruptcy process unfolds, it is expected that further information regarding YPI ARLINGTON, LLC's financial situation and restructuring plans will be made available through ongoing court filings.
YPI ARLINGTON, LLC Asset and Liability Information
The BankruptcyObserver database has not yet been updated with information about the debtor's assets, liabilities, nature of business, industry, or possibility for an unsecured creditor distribution. This data is typically entered on the morning of the next business day after the chapter 7 or chapter 11 business files bankruptcy.
Unsecured Creditor Treatment in YPI ARLINGTON, LLC Bankruptcy:
YPI ARLINGTON, LLC indicated on its bankruptcy petition that it does not expect there will be sufficient assets in the estate to make a payment to the unsecured creditors.
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YPI ARLINGTON, LLC Bankruptcy Docket Header
DsclsDue, PlnDue |
Northern District of Illinois (Eastern Division)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 24-14454
Assigned to: Honorable Judge Jacqueline P. Cox Chapter 11 Voluntary Asset |
Debtor 1 YPI Arlington, LLC 21900 Burbank Blvd, Suite 200 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 COOK-IL Tax ID / EIN: 06-1763473 |
rep. by |
Paul M. Bach
Bach Law Offices P.O. Box 1285 Northbrook, IL 60065 847 564-0808 Fax : 847 564-0985 Email: paul @ bachoffices.com |
Acting U.S. Trustee Adam G. Brief Office of the U. S. Trustee, Region 11 219 South Dearborn Room 873 Chicago, IL 60604 312-886-5785 |